Quad’s total & cell voltage with cell number auto-sensing
Arming & GyroMode indicator
Live Betaflight Arm Stop errors preview
Artificial horizon with home position
VTX channel, power and pit-mode indicator*
Date and time
Arm timer
Throttle & throttle limiter indicators
Turtle mode indicator
Airmode indicator
GPS Compass Panel with Ground Course and Home Ground Course
GPS Panel with Coordinates, Sats, Home Direction & Home Distance
VTX Favs
Need to switch VTX channel quickly? Goggles powered down? Just define 8 favourites VTX channels and switch them in a blink of an eye. Your race director will thank you 🙂
Config & Alerts
How many times your ripping was so exciting that you forgot about landing? 🙂 Customizable alerts visual, audible & haptic alerts to remind you it’s time to touch the ground. Switches and inputs sensing for quick and easy configuration. All settings are model based and persistent (SD Card file)
FC Arm Stops
So your bird is not arming and you have no idea why? If MSP is enabled you will see live what is causing arm stop. Maybe it’s not leveled or throttle is too high. Without MSP fortunately beeps at startup will tell you. All error codes with audible preview to help you diagnose what’s going on.
VTX Module
Confused which channel is which frequency? Will F2 interfer with R3? Easy to read channel table that helps answer simple question. “Will I black out others?” Your flying buddies will thank you.
Betaflight VTX tables reading
Channel, power, pitmode & low power disarm indicators.
Ability to set channel, power or pit-mode via Betaflight MSP protocol
GPS Module
So you wait and wait for GPS fix… Open GPS module and check what’s going on. Look mama no laptop needed to check how many sats visible around. 🙂 But you will see also craft’s & pilots’s lon/lat and and all other goodies GPS provides.
Telemetry Module
Telemetry sensors viewer. Real time sneak peak for advanced users into these raw values sent back to radio.
Sticks' commands
Do you remember how to select PID profile using radio sticks? If so tell me what is the combo for PID 2 profile in Mode 3 radio 🙂 Visual reference of all sticks commands in all radio modes always with you.
Supported FC firmwares
Supported RC Links
IRC Ghost
Supported radios
All radios running EdgeTX 2.9.x are supported but it depends on version installed.
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Espresso & Latte
"One for the morning one for evening so you can code late hours"